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Ria Pratyusha Kalluri Emily Denton Solon Barocas Michael Ekstrand Suresh Venkatasubramanian Karen Hao Inioluwa Deborah Raji Margaret Mitchell Meredith Whittaker Emily M. Bender Jade Abbott Kathy Baxter Veena Dubal Sasha Costanza-Chock Alex Hanna Rachel Thomas Timnit Gebru Tom Simonite William Isaac Vincent Boucher Frank Pasquale Cathy O Neil Rumman Chowdhury Thomas G. Dietterich Kristian Lum Moritz Hardt Dr Chris Gilliard Mark O. Riedl Casey Fiesler Lilly Irani Madeleine Clare Elish Joy Buolamwini Jeremy Howard Yoav Goldberg Kyle Cranmer Yan Le Cun Michael Nielsen Katharine Schwab Ruha Benjamin Ali Alkhatib Jack Clark Yejin Choi Oren Etzioni Gary Marcus Melanie Mitchell Ida Momennejad Vijay Chidambaram Devin Guillory Francois Chollet Will Knight Dr Mona Sloane Eric Topol Dr Kate Crawford Grady Booch Erik Brynjolfsson Christopher Manning David Ha Fei Fei Li Rana el Kaliouby Jane Wang Jeef Dean Judea Pearl Doris Tsao Nicolas Le Roux Arvind Narayanan Francesca Rossi Ifeoma Ozoma Jenn Wortman Vaughan Michael Veale Zachary Lipton Rodney Brooks Khari Johnson Julia Angwin Ryan Mac Safiya Noble Ayanna Howard Justin Hendrix April Christina Curley Zeynep Tufekci Yan GoodFellow Gideon Lichfield Cade Metz Yeshimabeit Milner Ben Recht Sergey Levine Scott Thurm Danilo Bzdok Blake Richards Andrew Ng Andrej Karpathy Ilya Sutskever Kareem Carr Chelsea Finn John W. Krakauer Anthony Zador Kyle M L Jones Geoffrey Hinton Denis Malimonov Timothy Behrens Stanley Kirk Burrell (MC Hammer) Elon Musk Jascha Sohl-Dickstein Laurent Alexandre Nico Grant Alessandro Bongioanni Jurgen Schmidhuber

Conseils Accompagnement Formation en Intelligence Artificelle et Collective

Construite sur une pédagogie de l'excellence qui se veut interdisciplinaire et orientée vers l'innovation, CafiaC forme particuliers et groupes de professionnels de tous niveaux désirant mieux appréhender les interactions de l'intelligence Artificiel avec l'humain. Cafiac fournit les outils et connaissances qui vous permettront d'acquérir une Intelligence Collective pour "résister" à ce Tsunami qu'est l'IA, tout en bénéficiant des opportunités qu'offre la transition digitale actuelle.


IA Ethique
Meredith Whittaker
Message (1/33) :This was such a great conversation and event. We spoke for two hours and it felt like 15 minutes! Thank you so much for your intelligence and generous hospitality, @mhatta, @TasukuMizuno and @iuj_glocom https://t.co/oaphOv9Vq3
Date: 2023-03-29 08:11:27
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IA Business
Stanley Kirk Burrell (MC Hammer)
Message (2/33) :A simple question …. However the answer is as complex and ultimately beautiful as Euler’s equation. https://t.co/FVIwwgnfYK
Date: 2023-03-29 08:01:45
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IA Stockastique
Neural Network
Deep Learning
Apprentissage Machine
Nando de Freitas
Message (3/33) :@kareem_carr @svpino @Grady_Booch The model could call the compiler tool, evaluate the code, and use the result for fine tuning of some sort. In regards to abduction, one could use scratchpad prompts like “list a few possible causes of X”. We need a paper measuring induction, deduction and abduction capabilities.
Date: 2023-03-29 07:47:31
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